Make Cardiomyopathy UK your Charity of the Year
"It is one of our core aims to support worthy causes, especially those that have touched our hearts."
Between March 2020 and March 2021, the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Norwich chose Cardiomyopathy UK as their Charity of the Year. The group raised £2000 through various fundraising events during the lockdown.
If your club or group has a monthly or yearly chosen charity, we'd be incredibly grateful if you could nominate Cardiomyopathy UK and we can help you with information on how to do so.
We'll support you with:
- Branded Cardiomyopathy UK materials and information leaflets to share with your group
- A Cardiomyopathy UK t-shirt to wear to your fundraising events
- Fundraising support, advice and tips all along the way!