Jamie lost his dad to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) when he was three years old, and he is a genetic carrier of the condition. In September 2023, Jamie hosted a black-tie gala at his school, raising over £7,500 for Cardiomyopathy UK.
“After losing my dad to cardiomyopathy when I was three years old, I decided to run and host a black tie gala as part of my EPQ (extended project qualification) in aid of Cardiomyopathy UK. I am also a genetic carrier of the condition so raising money for Cardiomyopathy UK is especially important to me.
The evening was hosted at my school, who were a huge support for me with the organization of the event. We started planning the gala in February this year, and the event took place on the 16th of September. Hosting the event was a lengthy process and took a lot of planning but it was such a rewarding night in what it achieved. It was amazing to see everyone there having such a great time, and I know lots of people had a lovely evening creating memories that’ll last a lifetime.

The money was raised throughout the event but also through the kind donations from so many amazing individuals. The event was advertised through social media as well as an article being published on my school website. The evening was open for anyone, but it was mainly supported by the amazing staff at my school, my family, my friends, and my dad’s army regiment. We hosted a raffle with some amazing prizes, such as magnums of Rothschild Champagne, a Fortnum and Mason hamper and much more.”

One of Jamie’s teachers and host of the event, Susie Parrack said:
“The champagne corks popped, the canapés were delicious, and the rain held off for the social event of the season: Jamie’s fundraising Black Tie ball in aid of Cardiomyopathy UK. Thomas Arnold Hall was transformed, and guests were greeted by Mr Bridges’ Jazz Quartet and a slideshow of wonderful photographs of Jamie with his father. When Jamie spoke so movingly and eloquently about him, there were many who were there observed surreptitiously wiping a few tears away.”
If you want to raise funds to help support those affected by cardiomyopathy, Our new interactive pack will help you plan your fundraising event. It's full of ideas, useful info and tips for success before, during and after your event.