Leeds & York Support Group

This support group based in West and North Yorkshire is for people with any form of cardiomyopathy, their family members, friends and supporters.
This group run by volunteer support group leaders Sarah (Leeds) and Hugh (York) aims to provide a relaxed environment for people affected by cardiomyopathy and their families to hear from a variety of expert speakers and to meet others living with the condition.
Next meeting date - In person
- Saturday 1st March, 10:30am
Adrian Taylor, Education and Information Manager at Cardiomyopathy UK, will talk to us about COMPASSION FATIGUE – a topic likely to be of great interest to family and friends as well as cardiomyopathy patients.
Come along for a discussion of this fascinating and important subject – and of course for the usual opportunity for plenty of questions, discussion, general chat and mutual support. Not forgetting tea/coffee and biscuits!
The Newman Centre, Cross Gates, Leeds LS15 7JY

For details of how to join this meeting, or for more information about this support group, please contact our Services Team: