Our support for researchers
We support high-quality research that delivers real benefits to people affected by cardiomyopathy, with a focus on our research priorities.
How we can help
- Recruit participants to your study
- Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) support
- Request a letter of support
- Partner with us
Contact us at research@cardiomyopathy.org for more information.
Funding opportunities
Small grants
We will be launching our small grants scheme in 2025. These awards will directly address our research priorities with the aim of attracting further investment from other sources. Our goal is to fund groundbreaking research that will advance our understanding of cardiomyopathy, improve diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately make life better for people affected by the condition.
We're partnering with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to jointly offer a doctoral fellowship in England. This is a three year full-time award (part-time options available) to support a future leader in cardiomyopathy research to undertake a PhD. Clinicians or practitioners are able to include up to 20% clinical or practice time as part of the fellowship.
The current round is now closed.