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Thank you! We're so grateful for your support.

Let's get started!

Get off to a flying start by setting up an online fundraising page. All of the money you raise will go directly to Cardiomyopathy UK.

Create a JustGiving page


Download our digital resources below. If you'd like additional materials, such as balloons, t-shirts or banners, please contact our team on 01494 791224 or email


30 Day Challenge

Using our logo

Whether you're fundraising for us or supporting our work in some other way, you might need to use our logo. As we are a registered charity with the Charities Commission we have to be careful where and how our logo is used.  Please only use our logo as pictured, don't change it or redraw it or use it at an angle.  We need as many people as possible to recognise our logo as it is, so please keep it that way!

As we are a registered charity we ask that you use our charity number statement below on any print materials that you produce. It can be on the footer of the page, away from the logo, but please ensure it's Calibri font in at least size 9.

Cardiomyopathy UK is a registered charity, no. 1164263.

Please do get in touch let us know how you're using our logo and brand, and if possible let us see your materials before they go to print. If you need our logo in a different format then please do get in touch and we'll try and help.